
Travel Souvenirs: keepsakes and memories in the house

One of the ‘must do‘ things on my agenda whenever we travel is to shop for souvenirs.  I usually research about the local arts and crafts of the destination upfront and once there, I shop for artifacts and objects that are unique to the place.  Apart from the experience of travel, it is a great way to… Continue reading Travel Souvenirs: keepsakes and memories in the house


Mecca Living: Of pots and pans and colors galore…

As I headed towards Narayana Pillai Street from Safina Plaza, the riot of colors of a little shop adjacent to Shiv Sagar caught my eye.  Curious and always in search of something unique to pick up for the house, I took the small flight of stairs downwards that led to this compact store and discovered… Continue reading Mecca Living: Of pots and pans and colors galore…